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Malignant Android applications containing Joker malware brought down by Google

Altogether, the applications – made accessible through Google Play – have been introduced more than multiple times by accidental Android handset proprietors.

Cybercrime is most prevalent these days and when it comes to the world’s most popular mobile platform Google’s Android OS, it is a lot more exploited by cybercriminals to prey on millions of naive users. A week ago, security specialist Aleksejs Kuprins from cybersecurity risk insight firm CSIS Security Group said the flood of malignant action has been followed as of late, prompting the revelation of 24 Android applications containing the malware.

Altogether, the applications – made accessible through Google Play – have been introduced more than multiple times by accidental Android handset proprietors. The malevolent applications contained a Trojan named Joker by the cybersecurity firm, a name that references one of the space names associated with the administrator’s order and-control (C2) server.

On the off chance that Copenhagen-based security specialists must be accepted, the Joker-bound applications perform unlawful activities, for example, reenactment of promotion clicks and proceed to approve premium membership, read all the SMSs, take gadget data and contact data without mobile user’s permission.

The hackers have especially focused on clients in 37 nations including India, China, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Honduras, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Kuwait, Malaysia, Myanmar, Netherlands, Norway and many more.

Aleksejs Kuprins, CSIS Security Group stated, “We recommend paying close attention to the permission list in the apps that you install on your Android device. Obviously, there usually isn’t a clear description of why a certain app needs a particular permission, which means that whenever you are downloading any app — you are still relying on your gut feeling to some extent.”

Here are some safety measures:

1) Whether you have an Android portable or iOS-based iPhone or Windows-fueled PCs or Mac PC, consistently stay refreshed with the most recent programming. All Google, Microsoft, and Apple send normally send firmware — particularly security fixes month to month or on a need premise, at whatever point they distinguish dangers. Along these lines, ensure you introduce the most recent programming.
2) Another great practice is to introduce a premium Antivirus programming, which offers 24×7 insurance. They are prepared to distinguish dangers rapidly at whatever point you unconsciously visit an obscure site.
3) Never ever open messages or SMS and snap URL connections sent from obscure senders.
4)Also, never introduce applications or programming from new publishers.
5) Always download applications from Google Play or Apple App Store or Windows Store as it were. Never install from any outsider application store.

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