Pizza Hut Introduces 3D Printed Pizza Warmer That Uses PS5 To Keep Your Pizza Hot

Have you also faced a situation where while enjoying your gaming session, you forgot about the pizza you ordered to have fun with your friends and family as the gaming session got quite intense? What if we tell you that now in 2024 you can actually turn your PS5 console into a microwave?
Well, worry not we are neither playing a prank nor bluffing about this. Pizza Hut Canada has released a new way for customers to keep their pizza warm just by using the heat from their Sony PS5 console. The company has unveiled PIZZAWRMR- a 3D-printed model that uses the heat exhaust from your PS5 console to keep your pizza hot.
This 3D printed model file won’t be officially sold by Pizza Hut but it will be available to download for free. PIZZAWRMR can be downloaded in separate parts and once downloaded, users will have access to multiple STL files for the body, left stand, right stand, lid, and manifold. Reportedly, users need to ensure that their 3D printer has a build volume of at least 15×15 inches to accommodate the PIZZAWRMR.
Besides the PS5 console, the PDF with the STL files is said to work on a PS5 Slim. Pizza Hut Canada recommends that users use food-safe materials in their print, specifically PLA plastic. At the same time, it doesn’t like that the pizza holder will hold an entire pizza together a small pizza split up.
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