Twitter CEO unfollows Mark Zuckerberg

Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO and Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook have always shared a mutual difference of belief on how each of their platforms should function; but now, to make obvious his objection on how Zuckerberg runs his social media applications, Dorsey unfollowed the Facebook CEO on his platform.
Dorsey made sure that the world knew about his decision. To do so, he first followed a Twitter account, @bigtechalert, which reports on the following and unfollowing activities of CEOs of tech organisations.
“@jack is now following @BigTechAlert,” tweeted the account.
Then, Dorsey immediately unfollowed Zuckerberg, which was instantly reported by BigTechAlert.
“@jack is no longer following @finkd,” tweeted the account.
Not just this, Twitter’s official PR account, @twittercomms, instantly posted a response.
Zuckerberg has not tweeted from the @finkd account since 2012 and has only 12 tweets in his account, suggesting that Dorsey’s move was more about making a statement.
Both CEOs have had difference of opinion on issues like free expression, fake news and political ads on their platforms. While Dorsey debarred any kind of political ads on Twitter, Zuckerberg is escaping from doing so, announcing no fact-checking for elections-related ads on Facebook.
Dorsey has declared that Twitter was funding a small independent team of up to five open source architects, engineers and designers to make an open and decentralised standard for social media that would help better control abusive and misleading information on its platform.
Facebook, on the other hand, hasn’t endorsed such an approach.
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