Do you know Indian ancient times Aerospace Power was way more modern , than we actually could think of?

Recently Vimanas have appeared in books, films, the internet, and video games. What if we tell you that these Vimanas are nothing new and have been a part of our ancient Indian history?
Shocked right, well it is true. The Sanskrit word Vimana has appeared several times in Vedas with several meanings ranging from temple or palace to mythological flying machine. These Vimanas were able to travel into space and underwater. Remember the Ramayana Pushpaka, used by Ravana, or the flying chariots used in Mahabharata. There are also references to flying machines in temple carvings and in ancient writings.
This shows that ancient Indians were way ahead than we can think and therefore enjoyed glory in the area of Science & Technology. Academy of Sanskrit Research in Mysore claimed that they have collected manuscripts that were compiled by Rishis thousands of years ago. Manuscripts dealt with Aeronautics, the construction of various types of aircraft for civil aviation and for warfare.
Also in 1991, David Hatcher Childress wrote a book, “ Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India & Atlantis “ that covered the secrets of constructing airplanes that will not break, not catch fire, and cannot be destroyed.
According to the texts Vimanas were powered by jet engines and the flight manuals of the Vimanas are quite similar to the flight manuals we find in modern civil and military aircraft. It suggests that Vimanas were powered by several gyroscopes placed inside a liquid mercury vortex. One of the texts also talks about mercury rotating and driving some sort of powerful propeller or fan . Vimanas were sometimes said to be propelled by a yellowish-white liquid that sounds more like gasoline.
Some of the Ancient Indian flying vehicles were-
When Alexander invaded India in 300 BC, his historians chronicled that at one point they were attacked by “fiery flying shields.” As per John Burrows, Sanskrit texts have references to gods who fought battles in the sky using Vimanas equipped with weapons as deadly as current times. There are also references of highly maneuverable and powerful Vimanas launching single projectiles charged with ‘all power of the Universe’ resulting in huge columns of smoke and fire equivalent to tens of thousands of suns. Even in Ramayana, a detailed story of a trip to the Moon in a Vimana has been mentioned.
Now in modern times, Indians tend to overlook these ancient texts and manuscripts but these above facts and manuscripts give us a brief knowledge that the ancient Indians were way more knowledgeable in terms of technology and science. Chinese scientists have also announced that they studying ancient Indian data for their space program.
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