Hong Kong officials state Google denies protest anthem request

ResutersAsia released a tweet on its account stating that “Google refused Hong Kong request over protest anthem – HK official” and shared the link to read the complete news.
According to the reports, The city’s security head today stated that he is been greatly disappointed by Google’s refusal to modify its search results so that users searching for the national anthem of China would see that music rather than a protest song.
On searching for the national anthem of China the google search engine showed the song “Glory to Hong Kong”. This song was composed in 2019 at the time when protests in Hong Kong broke out against China’s increasing authority over the city.
In 2020, the song was banned when China passed a broad national security law on the financial center to penalize what Beijing described as secession and terrorism. It issued a penalty of up to lifetime jail.
The Asia Rugby Association attributed the mistake to “a simple human error” in which the incorrect hymn was played in place of music that was obtained from the internet. “Glory to Hong Kong” is the most popular search keyword for Hong Kong’s national anthem on Google and it has been considered the national anthem of the country by many of the protesters at the time of British Colony.
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