See what happened when blue bird tried to misbehave in US senator house

Since Musk acquired Twitter, a series of events has shaken it from the core. Users are expressing their anger and disbelief on Twitter but this time the US senator has sent a letter to Twitter to express his anger. The letter was written in the name of Twitter by US senator Edward J Markey. In this letter, he mentioned that a Washington Post reporter created a fake Twitter account by his name.
That name even got a blue tick for $8 dollar which was authorized as a verified user with that name. He also mentioned the possible problems that can arise because of it. Any other person with a spare phone and a credit card can change their account name with a blue tick. He wants musk to ensure that Twitter doesn’t become the breeding ground for manipulation and deceit.
At the end of the letter, there were four questions that he asked Elon Musk. Since Twitter has been taken by Musk there was only public anger and response but now it seems to have entered a legal room. Twitter may face some of the biggest ever problems or its major chunk of users in the upcoming days.
Below you can find a copy of the letter:
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