Google Play Store Down: Users Across the World Facing Issues in Accessing it

Google Play, the official app store of Google is currently down and many users across the world have difficulties accessing its services. Both the mobile and web versions are down.
Read more about it below.
Google Play Store is Down!
The most used and biggest app store in the world, Google Play is currently down. Many users have difficulties accessing its service and more than 2,500 users have reported the issue on Downdetector. Among 48% of the users have reported download-related issues and 47% are facing search-related issues. 5% of the users have also reported purchase-related issues as well.
On Down for Everyone or Just Me, it has been stated that Google’s Play Store is still down and about 84.9% of the users who have reported have mentioned that they are receiving error notifications. 9.39% have reported slow connections while about 5.71% have reported that they are unable to log in to the service.
The reason for this outage is still not clear and Google hasn’t come forward with an explanation for it. It is likely that this outage might be caused due to the server being overloaded, or down or maybe, it might be unreachable due to network-related problems. Maintenance can also be a reason, however as mentioned, the exact or real reason behind it is still not known.
Certain reports state that in India too, users are facing issues, however, the issues are different for different users. Some are facing slow connections and other are not even able to access the service. It has also been reported that in some cases, on restarting the device users were able to access the service, but not everyone was able to resolve the issue with this method.
It’s been 3 hours since the issue has been reported and it’s really high time that Google come forward with an explanation for the outage and when the issue will be resolved. From what it seems, we’ll have to wait to know about it
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