Samsung confirmed that it was hacked recently via a note to its customers

A South Korean multinational electronics corporation, Samsung confirms that recently it was hacked via a note to its customers. The hack was taken place only a few months ago.
On Friday, Samsung had sent out an email explaining that a third party was successful in bypassing the company’s security measures. This scenario is worse than what happened to LastPass as the company confirmed that user data was stolen in the breach.
In the email, it read that “…an unauthorized third party acquired information from some of Samsung’s U.S. systems. On or around August 4, 2022, we determined through our ongoing investigation that personal information of certain customers was affected.”
Samsung states that neither social security nor credit/debit card was taken away in the hack. However, in some cases, names, contact and demographic information, dates of birth, and product registration information were taken, Android Headlines reports.
The tech giant has employed a leading security firm to help with this investigation and it’s also working with law enforcement to acquire more information. Unfortunately, there’s not much more information that can be provided at the moment.