Two Cosmonauts to conduct spacewalk after Russian Space Agency chief says Space Station dangerous

On Friday, Two cosmonauts are ready to walk out of the airlock for conducting a spacewalk, a day after the Russian space agency chief said that the International Space Station is dangerous and unfit for purpose. The spacewalk will be conducted on Friday.
The cosmonauts will be going out of the safety of the airlock, outfitting the European robotic arm on the International Space Station’s Nauka laboratory. NASA will be conducting a live stream of the spacewalk.
Expedition 67 Commander Oleg Artemyev and Flight Engineer Denis Matveev will be conducting the spacewalk. The two Roscosmos cosmonauts will leave the station’s space-facing Poisk module into the vacuum of space, IndiaToday reports.
NASA claims that the main objectives of the spacewalk are to relocate an external control panel for the arm from one operating area to another and test a rigidizing mechanism on the arm that will be used for facilitating the grasping of payloads.
NASA said in an update that Artemyev will be wearing a Russian Orlan spacesuit with red stripes, while Matveev will wear a Russian Orlan suit with blue stripes. This will be the eighth and fourth spacewalk for Artemyev and Matveev respectively.