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Coronavirus Update: An initiative taken by Europe to launch a proximity app to trace contact among people

On Wednesday European scientists and technologists made a statement that they will be developing such an app that will check the social proximity of a person and will also be under the GDPR compliances.

In this spread of Coronavirus Epidemic. Europe’s Pan-European Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing (PEPP-PT) has assembled 130 researchers from around 8 countries to develop such an app that will check if an infected person got in contact with how many people.

The European union’s guide book on privacy GDPR or  General Data Protection Regulation limits the use of personal information like checking the location of a person via smartphones.

Hans-Christian Boos, founder of business automation company Arago said that we want to fight this COVID-19 by providing a backbone for the digital core components.

A press briefing will be hosted at 11 am (2:30 pm IST) by Boos along with Marcel Salathe, head of the Digital Epidemiology Lab at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and Thomas Wiegand of the Technical University of Berlin and head of the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI).

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