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How to Scrape the Web with Proxies and Scrapy

Web scraping has become increasingly crucial for businesses across various industries. It helps to streamline and automate repetitive but important tasks like market research and competitor analysis. To highlight, one of the popular tools employed is Scrapy.

Written in Python, Scrapy is a robust web scraping framework with extensive features and functionalities that make it easy for developers to create and launch bots that collect data from across the internet. Its ease of use and extensibility make it a popular choice among developers.

In this article, we will explore how to avoid getting blocked when using this tool.

Importance of Proxy to Web Scraping

Regardless of the tool you’re using, getting blocked is a common challenge faced by web scrapers as websites employ various techniques to identify and restrict bot activity. One such commonly used technique is IP-based blocking.

Every device on the internet has a unique IP address transmitted along with a web request. Websites often track the pattern and frequency of requests from a particular IP address to identify suspicious activities. If a particular IP address or range of addresses is observed to be sending a high volume of requests in a relatively short period, the address may be blocked or restricted. This is often the case for plain web scraping using any tool, like Scrapy.

IP blocks and other challenges, like honeypot traps and CAPTCHAs, can disrupt your scraping efforts and lead to interrupted or incomplete data extraction. To avoid this, you must adopt anti-blocking strategies, one of which is using proxies.

Evading Blocking Using Scrapy’s Built-in Features

Web scraping bottlenecks are frustrating, so you need strategies that will help you mimic human browsing patterns to stay away from blocking. Proxy rotation is one of Scrapy’s features that help with this.

Proxy rotation is a technique that involves using different IP addresses for each request you send to a website. This is often done through a pool of proxies, and it helps to avoid getting blocked by websites that check the IP address and location of each request. Scrapy has an in-built feature that allows you to provide an array of proxies and configure your Scrapy code to switch between the proxies at intervals to ensure that no particular IP address is sending too many requests at a given time.

In addition to that, Scrapy offers other features, like autothrottle, which adjusts the request rate based on the server load and response time in order to avoid overloading the server.

Using Proxies With Scrapy

With Scrapy, you can use proxies in two ways: the Scrapy middleware and a custom proxy middleware.

The Scrapy proxy middleware lets you tap into a pool of proxies, free or premium, and automatically route your requests through different proxies while ensuring that you’re using active proxies. Although free proxy pools are often unreliable and easily get blocked, this provides a baseline for implementing premium and reliable ones.

You can develop and use a custom proxy middleware if you have specific requirements or want to implement advanced proxy management. Using custom middleware gives you more control in customizing proxy rotation and credentials and integrating with third-party proxy services.

Using proxies with Scrapy offers several benefits, such as increased anonymity, the ability to scrape from geographically restricted websites, and improved reliability by distributing requests across multiple IP addresses.

Extending Scrapy’s Proxy Capabilities

Scrapy provides great features that can help evade blocking. However, using it with free or expensive proxies can quickly limit and frustrate your web scraping efforts when dealing with websites that use complex anti-bot techniques.

ZenRows is a powerful tool that complements Scrapy and enhances your web scraping capabilities. It provides premium proxy solutions that are tailored for large-scale and repeated scraping use cases. It also offers a built-in proxy rotator that efficiently manages and rotates premium proxies. That simplifies the process of integrating proxies into your Scrapy project.

Likewise, this tool provides a Web Application Firewall bypass tool that automatically adjusts scraping behavior to evade firewall detection and a CAPTCHA bypass tool that help to avoid CAPTCHAs, saving you valuable time and effort.

Combining ZenRows with Scrapy makes a powerful and efficient scraping toolbox, allowing you to focus on extracting valuable data without worrying about IP blocking, CAPTCHAs, or WAF restrictions.


Web scraping with Scrapy offers a powerful solution for data extraction from websites. However, it is crucial to understand and overcome the challenges of being blocked while scraping.

By combining the rich features provided by Scrapy with an effective solution like ZenRows, you can create a Scrapy web scraper that reliably serves your business needs.

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