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COVID-19: ‘PM Mask Yojna’ info being circulated on social media platforms is fake, says PIB Fact Check

As COVID-19 continues to infect more people in India, it is also spawning fake messages on social media platforms, posing a challenge for fact-checkers, health authorities and journalists worldwide.

Recently, PIB Fact Check, a special unit to fight rumors, has confirmed that messages on social media about ‘PM Mask Yojna’ are fake.
The twitter handle @PIBFactCheck added that there is no such link or website where people can order masks free of cost.

Earlier, the unit also clarified that there is no ‘Rashtriya Shikshit Berojgar Yojna’ which reportedly claimed that all ration holders would get Rs 50,000 from the incumbent government via online mode.

Moreover, the special unit has also asked citizens to be wary of such fraudulent websites that ask for one’s personal details or payment of fees.

Fake news that disseminates unverified data is particularly dangerous during the time of a public health crisis.

It is worth noting that PIB established a special unit to bust fake news in 2019. With its twitter handle @PIBFactCheck, the unit verifies different trending news and presents an accurate analysis after checking the facts.

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