You Will Soon Be Able To See Personalized Job Recommendations Directly In Your Timelines On X

Musk announced X Hiring feature a while ago thus giving competition to well-established hiring platforms. This will basically allow the users to search the jobs and verified organization accounts to post and organically reach millions of relevant candidates. Now a new update has come about this feature that says users will soon be able to see personalized job recommendations directly in their timeline tailored to their preference.
Job recommendations are here.
You can now start seeing personalized job recommendations directly in your timelines — tailored to your preferences.
Get started here:
Now available in the US (web only).
— Hiring (@XHiring) May 1, 2024
The announcement also read that this is only available in the US region in the web version of X. I found something similar while scrolling down in the “For You” section on X. I saw a few companies with the number of openings in the company. There also appeared a hyperlink attached “Get job recommendation”. When I tapped on it the page didn’t open and showed that this page does not exist. As said this has yet not been rolled out in the Indian region but we should not be very far away from it. Recently we also saw the voice and video call feature reaching users all across the world. Musk aims to make X an everything app which can be said as a motive behind these baby steps that might not look like a planned thing initially but later on a broader basis.
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